
How well do you understand Pinterest? Is your brand struggling with how to fully utilize it in order to drive your social media objectives forward? Consider this…

Why it’s worth it

If you’re a lifestyle brand focused on consumers or homeowners, Pinterest is a great platform for you. Meant for inspirational, helpful content, you can think of Pinterest like your company’s own visual portfolio. It’s a platform specifically designed for highly visual images that inspire users to take action.

Additional benefits include:

It’s a driver of social referrals and is SEO-friendly.

One of the main strengths of Pinterest is that it’s a unique content type with SEO benefits. You can write full descriptions for each pin, optimizing with keywords in order to rank higher in the organic search rankings. The more users find your content through search, the more likely they may be able to click through to your website to find out more info.

It’s constantly adding new features.

Take for example, Pinterest showcase, allowing subscribers to personally choose which boards or pins a user sees first when visiting their profile. Or the new buyable pins, which allows a user to go right to your website to purchase a product, increasing your sales potential. Both of these are ways in which Pinterest is evolving their tools to help you meet your goals. Why not take advantage it?

It’s awesome for collaboration.

Did you know you can invite other collaborators to your boards? This is a great opportunity to build connections and strengthen your own content. To implement, simply create a Pinterest board and add a contributor to it, perfect for brands that work with designers on projects or partner with other companies to host events.

How can you take advantage?

Mix up your content.

Keep in mind that no one likes to see a flood of the same brand’s content taking over their newsfeed (especially since most of the use is on mobile). Rather, your pins should intermix between organic pins leading to your website and relevant pins from other users that enhance the lifestyle or topics of your brand.

Space it out.

Since Pinterest’s “smart feed” pins a mix of pins from followers and relevant pins that may be of interest, the more sporadic your pins are as a brand, the better engagement you may get. Try logging in to Pinterest a few times a day, pinning relevant content to the appropriate boards while testing your engagement to see what times work best for activity.

Keep up with trends.

Browse your news feed to see what Pinterest users are most into and look for ways to weave it into in your own original content. It’s a great way to stay current and continuously capitalize on new content.

Follow platform best practices.

Remember to upload high-res images with the proper platform dimensions in order to increase your chances of engagement (a vertical aspect ratio is best). And write keyword-rich descriptions for each pin to properly optimize for search. The more beautiful and helpful your pins are, the better.

Check your analytics.

Pinterest has built-in analytics to measure the performance of your pins and boards in terms of impressions and engagement. Keep an eye on which pins are top-performing in order to further enhance your boards and create more of the content that’s obviously working.

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